Your job is not worth a lot... and that’s official
Unfair dismissal compensation very low
Retrieved on 7th December 2021 from struggle.ws
Published in Workers Solidarity No. 48 — Summer 1996.
Workers Solidarity Movement
Your job is not worth a lot... and that’s official
Unfair dismissal compensation very low
THE ANNUAL report of the 26 county Employment Appeals Tribunal states that of the the 391 cases before it, 199 claims of unfair dismissal were upheld. However the Tribunal only ordered that 29 people get their jobs back, and 16 of those had to lose their years of service. In the other cases an average of £4,993 compensation was awarded. Not a lot if you are facing years, or even a lifetime, on the dole. And this is when the Tribunal has decided that the sacking was illegal.