Article 1: Name

  1. The name of the organization is the Wild Rose Collective

Article 2: Membership

  1. Membership is open to individuals who:

    • agree with the Principles and Purpose of the organization

    • abide by the Constitution

    • agree to work and argue for the organization’s policies in their public political activity

    • attend at least two meetings every two months

    • pay dues

  2. No one may become a member or remain a member who is an employee or agent of a law enforcement agency.

  3. Members must be approved by a 75% majority vote of all members in an official meeting of the organization.

  4. A member who violates the constitution or acts contrary to the interests of the organization may be expelled. The member must be given one month’s notice prior to the meeting where the issue will be discussed, where they will be given an opportunity to offer a defense. Expulsion requires a 75% majority vote of all members.

Article 3: Organization

  1. Official meetings are routinely held every two weeks. Quorum for an official meeting is 51% of all members.

  2. The agenda for an official meeting is composed of items members send to the secretary. The secretary sends out the agenda three days prior to an official meeting. The secretary and the moderator should be in communication about the agenda.

  3. Decisions are made by a 75% majority vote of members present at a meeting.

  4. Any business not included in the agenda sent out by the secretary can be included in a meeting with a majority vote of members attending. However, decisions made on late added business are considered provisional decisions for three days after the minutes are distributed, so that members unaware of the agenda item can vote on the matter. The provisional decision becomes official when 75% of members who choose to vote approve it. Members who did not attend the meeting and who do not reply within three days are considered to have abstained.

  5. The secretary takes minutes of all official meetings, and sends them to all members; preferably within three days of an official meeting.

Article 4: Policy

  1. Official policy is the organization’s Principles, Purpose, and position papers.

  2. Votes to change the Constitution, Principles, Purpose or position papers of the organization require a 75% majority vote of all members.

  3. Position papers are divided into a general section and a short term section. The general section contains the theoretical position of the organization on the question. The short term perspectives section outlines the organization’s policy on immediate questions and the tactics we intend to implement.

  4. Minorities who disagree with any policy or members who wish to act on an issue for which no policy exists, have the right to act as they see fit as long as they make it clear that their position does not reflect that of the organization, and as long as such a position does not take them outside of the constitution.

Article 5: Positions

  1. All positions are elected and can be recalled by the usual decision-making process. A member may not hold more than one position at a time. Terms last six months. Positions should rotate each term unless circumstances do not allow it. Elections are held the last meetings of December and June, with terms beginning January 1st and July 1st. Members unable to fulfill their position’s obligations may request that a replacement be elected to finish their term.

  2. Moderator – The moderator facilitates meetings, maintaining and guiding the decision making process. They are also responsible for welcoming new people, and for explaining how to become a member to those who are interested. They are responsible for finding a substitute if they cannot attend a meeting.

  3. Secretary – The secretary puts together the meeting agenda from items received from members, and sends it to members three days prior to the meeting. They are responsible for booking a meeting room and assuring that required materials are available for the meeting. The secretary takes minutes during meetings, and sends them to members within three days of the meeting. They are responsible for finding a substitute if they cannot attend a meeting.

  4. Treasurer – The treasurer collects dues, and issues money according to the organization’s decisions. They keep a running log of the organization’s finances, and give bimonthly reports. They also maintain the list of active members.

  5. Corresponding Secretary – This person maintains the organization’s website, is the first contact for potential members, and is the administrator of any of the organization’s listservs, facebook group, etc. They also act as a mandated contact for the media, putting together press releases and flyers (general members can still be delegated for specific jobs). They must check with the membership before talking with the media, and the membership will make clear what they will say or not say.

Article 6: Dues

  1. Dues are $5 a month for members who make less than $2,000 a month, $10 for members who make between $2,000 and $3,500 a month, and $20 for those who make more than $3,500 a month.

  2. Members in prison or unemployed without assistance do not need to pay dues. Other members who feel they cannot pay dues can negotiate with the Treasurer.

  3. Members who fail to pay dues for two months, or fail to attend two meetings in two months, lose their voting power. Members more than three months behind in dues are deemed to have resigned. Members who re-join are not required to pay previously owed dues.