#title Two Lectures on the Bonnot Affair #author Victor Serge #SORTtopics illegalism, Bonnot Gang, individualist anarchism, lecture #date January 28, 1912 #source https://www.marxists.org/archive/serge/1912/01/bonnot-talks.htm #lang en #pubdate 2020-05-29T16:24:48 *** The Individual Against Society 1) It’s rather the contrary that should be said. 2) Society is the enemy of any individuality An association is not a simple adding up of individuals; it has its own psychology and vitality. It thus wants to last, to live. 3) In order to live a society necessarily conform itself to two laws A – Law of social preservation; society preserves what created it = traditional = enemy of movement B – law of social conformism. It wants all individuals to act in consideration of this goal – be in conformity with a type – which it forges by force. Ex. The subject of monarchies, the citizen of democracies thus=enemy of originality individual independence. 4) In order to be (originally free) The individual must thus struggle against society. A. Against imposed social obligations.
Ex: military service
Wage labor
Respect of laws
Morality and respect of conventions. B. and what is most difficult:
against the deformations produced in him by the social milieu
ex: hypocrisy
proprietary instinct (including sexual)
authoritarianism, etc...
imposed solidarity
(Le Dantec’s book “L’Hypocrisie indispensable)
5) This was, this is. Will it always be? Alas, yes.
The laws that preside over the lives of societies are natural laws.
Let us imagine a communist paradise: – Where there will not be a state of society; the end of all industry, complete and perpetual war against individuals.
– Where there will be collective religiosity - Morality
- economy – Where in this the original will be at the very least frowned upon.
Moral constraint
6) Where then does social progress reside? In a displacement of the field of struggle
We will perhaps no longer fight for bread<
Constraint will no longer be physically violent
Even so!
7) But what is the utility of these conclusions? A – We should have no illusions about the social future
B – we should be sociable without being the dupes of sociability; no spirit of the coterie.

*** Bandits 1) Current events offer us this subject It’s a fact; criminality is on the rise.
People kill, steal, engage in fraud
Let us profit from this occasion to say what we think of this.
2) What do we think of this? We think this is logical
necessary The social organization produces crime<
Everything is sold, everything is stolen
See how institutions and crimes are coordinated
Property – theft
Authority – rebellion
Law – fraud Poverty – banditry
On one hand society, on the other a few individuals 3) Among the criminals we distinguish the unlucky, bourgeois souls
the clumsy, unemployed
and the refractory draft dodgers, deserters, thieves because un-adapted to slavery Are distinguished by daring Resolution As much as I despise the former That’s how much I love the latter. 4) Along with us, they are the only men who dare demand life.