At June, 14 the EP adopted a resolution in support of Oleg Sentsov, Alexandr Kolchenko (btw, our anarchist comrade), and other Ukrainians, illegaly detained in Russia as political prisoners. 76 members of EP voted against this resolution. Who are they? What a surprise! We see French National Front, Bulgarian Socialist Party, German Die Linke, Greek Syriza and Golden Dawn in a same boat!

Well, how spectacular is the fact that leftists and neofaschists have united in European parliament in their ardent love to Putin.

And how hypocratic they are! European left carry SO MUCH about gay righs in other countries, about children in Syria, about police violence in USA, but… Putin annexing other countries, torturing and killing Ukrainians in prisons – no problem with it. Let’s support him, why not.

Who of the European left rised their voice when TENS OF RUSSIAN ANARCHISTS were recenly tortured with electric teasers in order to trump up a fake terorist case (“The Network”)? Who said a single world? Noone! And now they are even try to prevent EP to say a words in a support of Sentsov, Kolchenko and other victims of Putin regime.

For those who still hesitates, it is a lesson, showing that the left are the enemies of freedom. Expecially I am sure that most of the Euproean left, since the time of Comintern, are directed by a KGB-FSB and act as a 5th column of USSR\Russia on the West. Hence, they can not be our allies. Long live anarchy and fuck all bosses, no matter how red they are. This is it.