La Voz de la Mujer

Mothers, educate your children well!


Yes, educate them well if you want them to be free men, with noble feelings, so that they fight to obtain their complete freedom and do not have to fight for existence. But you must give them a healthy education and not the so-called bourgeois education or morality, because bourgeois morality is a corrupt and false morality, and it is also the one that contributes to having your children subjected to the chain of slavery.

You must never teach them class inequality; teach them that we are children of nature, that we all come into the world with the same privileges, that is to say that we all have the right to enjoy what Mother Nature gives us.

You must not teach them to know ambition or greed, teach them to despise money, make them understand that money is the principal cause of all the evils that afflict society; teach them that money is the corruption of the Universe; teach them that money is what extinguishes in men and women all humanitarian feeling towards their fellow men, teach them that for this vile metal all kinds of infamies and baseness are committed, that for this disgusting money one sells one's father, mother, friend and brother; that for money workers are turned into beasts of burden and into automatic machines that move at the impulse of those who direct them and, finally, teach them that for the cursed money we suffer hunger, misery and all kinds of privations.

Do not teach them to believe in God; teach them that religion is the atrophy of the mind, both of men and women and therefore it is what prevents the development of progress; Show them that religion is contrary to natural laws, that it is the symbol of ignorance and depravity, and finally, that religion is a farce they have invented so that we do not see beyond our noses and so that we surrender ourselves, bound hand and foot, like gentle lambs, to our exploiters and tyrants.

Never instill in them the feelings of the homeland; make them understand that nature did not make borders and that therefore we are all brothers; teach them that there is no reason for the hatred that rational beings who inhabit planet Earth profess among themselves; not because one was born in the East and others in the West are they going to hate each other, because those lines that denote the separation of one country from another and which were called borders, have been drawn by our exploiters and executioners so that we would confuse our enemies, taking as such those who were born on the other side of our border; teach them that for the free man there should be no border, in short, teach them that the homeland is the symbol of the exploitation of man by man, or as Comrade Spies said, “The homeland is the last refuge of the wicked.”

Do not teach them to demean themselves, nor to humiliate themselves, and even less to submit to the will of others, because since we all have the same rights, no one can consider himself superior to others: because since we are all one or in other words equal, each one is free to do what he believes is most convenient.

Teach them to despise and not to respect the AUTHORITY of any individual, whatever name or form it may take, because where there is authority, where there is one or more individuals who exercise dominion or command, there must necessarily be slaves, and where slavery reigns there can be no freedom.

Finally, teach them that we must be free, as free are the animals that inhabit the world. Birds flutter incessantly in infinite space, wild beasts take up residence in the forests and honeysuckles, fish freely travel their path in the depths of the sea.

They have no reasoning, but they have an instinct for self-preservation and freedom: they do not know the sciences, but they have the ability to build their nests and dens; they have no morals, no education, in short, they lack those qualities that constitute the superiority of rational animals.

We have reason, we know the sciences (even if only in name, because in reality…), we talk about education and morality, but on the other hand we have no freedom, we are divided into two completely antagonistic classes and we destroy each other (something that animals of the same species do not do among themselves) worse than wild beasts; we torment each other, in short, that despite having the use of reason we place ourselves in a worse situation than that of the very animals to whom we give the name of wild beasts.

Now then: if you, oh mothers! are in agreement with the theories developed here (which I believe you will be, because that era would be the reign of harmony and general well-being) teach your children the redeeming ideals of Anarchic Communism which is what will provide us with true LIBERTY, EQUALITY AND FRATERNITY.

Teach them to fight for emancipation and for human well-being so that we can become free (which today we are not) and so that men and women can give each other a fraternal embrace, as a sign of peace and harmony, without worrying about anything or anything about disgusting education and corrupt bourgeois morality.

Teach them that Anarchic Communism is universal peace and happiness, the idea of the new generation.

Mothers! Teach all these truths to your children, because understand that the children of today will be the men of tomorrow. And this youth that develops under such sublime auspices will be the one that in the not too distant future will execute all the acts that are written in the book of the Future.

Then, comrades, then women who have never worried about your freedom, then, I repeat, will raise the cry of protest and remembering the ideas and feelings that were instilled in you in your childhood, you will say to the tyrants of the entire world: The time has come for our worries to end, therefore we tell you that OUR GOD IS HUMANITY! OUR COUNTRY IS THE UNIVERSE! OUR GOVERNMENT IS OUR OWN WILL!

Then, women, you will no longer have to mourn the departure of your husbands, the dishonour of your daughters, the death of your sons on the battlefields and you, oh young people! You will have absolutely nothing to fear, if by chance you satisfy that inescapable law of nature which leads you to carry out that motto: “Be fruitful and multiply.”

You will have nothing to fear because no one will be able to call you adulteresses or prostitutes, because in man and woman there will be no recognition of anything other than so many human beings who need mutual enjoyment for the development and preservation of their bodies.

Only then, comrades, will happiness and well-being reign, and this love or affinity between man and woman will perhaps be more lasting because it will be stripped of all kinds of conventionalisms.

Therefore, comrades, let us fight tirelessly to destroy this bourgeois organization that annihilates us and leads us slowly and gradually to the most degrading extremes and let us try to raise as soon as possible the desired Social Revolution, to the cries of

Away with tyrants! Make way for progress!

Long live Universal Peace!

Long live Anarchy!

Retrieved on January 17, 2025 from
Originally published in ‘The Voice of Women, Anarchist Communist Newspaper’, No. 5, Buenos Aires, May 15, 1896.