Francisco Ferrer
The General Strike will enrich the poor without impoverishing the rich
The belief that the rich make the poor live and that without them there would be even more misery is so deeply rooted that it will take a lot of work to convince people of the falsity of this belief.
Neither the poor need the rich nor the poor the poor.
A reasoned organization of work and the equitable distribution of its products will suffice to eliminate the two classes into which society is divided today: producers and consumers; that is, poor and rich.
Only a well-planned and well-executed general strike can bring about the golden age dreamed of by past and present altruists.
All those who today have to deprive themselves of something will benefit from it: beggars, workers, employees, small traders and most university graduates. On the other hand, those who call themselves rich will continue to be so, because they will be allowed to use their luxurious rooms, and will also be provided with everything necessary for life.
With their superfluous wealth entering the universal patrimony, land, subsoil and machinery will suffice for production to satisfy all demands.
Now then,
Is a general strike possible?
How will it come about?
When a sufficient number of workers and employees become capable of organizing society logically.
What measures must be taken from the outset to ensure its success?
The trade federations will only begin to produce and exchange products when they have dissolved, overthrown and exterminated all the mechanisms that make up the capitalist system: the State, supported morally by the Church and materially by the Army; the courts, supported by the police.
What will become of the policemen, the judges and the magistrates, the military, priests and public employees?
Being the weakest later, they will have to adapt to the new state of things and will be the first to accept the new way of being, which will ensure them a dignified life without any other obligation than that of contributing to the support of the system of human solidarity.
The rich will be happier than today because they will continue to enjoy themselves without seeing others suffer.
The poor will not envy the rich because they will lack nothing.