In the unprecedented social conditions we are living in, the spread of coronavirus has taken critical dimensions for the national healthcare systems and the capitalist mode of production as well as social organisation in general. For the system to survive, state and bosses implement totalitarian politics and a further devaluation of our lives.

  • Lack of health facilities for the big majority of the population

  • Militarisation of our everyday life, with a ban on transportation enforced through economic, surveilled and penal repression

  • Mass layoffs, intensification and dire conditions for those working in hospitals, super markets, fast food restaurants, telecommunications

  • Creation of concentration camps for migrants and mass incarceration in prisons without any health provision

  • No meaningful measure for the homeless, drug users, sex workers

  • Increase of domestic and gender violence cases as well as psychological breakdowns due to the prolonged confinement of people in their homes

All of the above make up a dystopia to which we deem necessary to respond to in a direct and collective way, self-organised and in solidarity with every subject that is experiencing the physical, psychical and mental consequences of totalitarianism; and at the same time to fight to break the unproductive and totalitarian management of the present crisis by the state. For these reasons we want to communicate and create a network for solidarity and struggle, with initial aims the following:

  • Food and medicine collection and delivery; or meals from social kitchens

  • Psycho-social support. Conversation through phone and even face-to-face private meeting, adhering to the healthcare measures

  • Reporting domestic and gender violence cases and direct interventions

  • Collect and publish information from concentration camps and prisons

The responsibility is not collective as the state is shamelessly trying to manipulate us through the horror-loving coverage of the virus by the media, but it is first and foremost the state’s responsibility. The pointed shifting of responsibilities from the state and its representatives to each individual for the acquittal of the systematic under funding and under staffing of the healthcare system is unacceptable and vile. We are not to blame for the shortages of permanent medical staff, intensive care units, medical equipment but the particular governments that spent thousands of euros to save banks or for military equipment instead of staffing undervalued public hospitals.

We put forward as a direct collective action a freeze in payments, debts, rent, electricity, water, internet, public transportation. According to us these basic services should be free anyway and let alone in a situation of financial destabilisation like this. All people of the exploited and non-privileged class have to spare their money for basic consumer goods like food and medicine, since the future is uncertain.

We put forward as a direct collective action a freeze in payments, debts, rent, electricity, water, internet, public transportation. According to us these basic services should be free anyway and let alone in a situation of financial destabilisation like this. All people of the exploited and non-privileged class have to spare their money for basic consumer goods like food and medicine, since the future is uncertain.


  • Permanent socialization of all private healthcare facilities and health products units.

  • Unemployment benefit to all laid-off workers and the unemployed.

  • All goods to be sold at cost price, super market bosses do not profit off our backs.

  • Compliance with the demands of workers for pay, working time, even the cessation of employment for their self-protection.

  • Closure of all capitalist structures (factories, shops etc.) that don’t cover basic needs.

  • Compliance with the demands of prisoners and release of all high-risk individuals, prisoners with charges of less than 5 years, and all those who await trial. Setting up healthcare facilities for prisoners and provision of sanitary products.

  • Closure of all concentration camps and papers to all migrants.

  • Transformation of airbnb and hotels to self-containment facilities for people with symptoms, high-risk groups, people affected by domestic and gender violence and people facing housing issues.

Tsiodras shed crocodile tears for the people who are to get sick and invited us all to assume our responsibilities for the protection of public health. Recognizing that public health includes also people in factories, prisons and concentration camps, we announce that if the state doesn’t care about public health in total, we have the collective responsibility to take actions to ensure this. We also inform that we will necessarily move on to organise and escalate similar actions in case the state continues the exploitation of the state of emergency to repress its political enemies, anarchists and fighters, and to pass laws that it wouldn’t be able to pass in times of mobilisation. The movement and the people of the social base are already organising mutual-aid and resistance structures for the current crisis and the upcoming impoverishment and no martial law can stop them. The survival of the repressed and the exploited in times of a general crisis depends directly on their self-organisation, thus any attempt to repress must be answered in defiance of any restrictions.