Green Anarchy In The UK
Some questions.
How can we agitate, radicalise, activate and weaponise the increasing anger of those woken from slumber by the acrid smoke of a burning planet?[1]
How can we spread and intensify moments of rupture in the social order that allow us break free and create spaces of liberation? How can these be used to weaken the forces that oppose us, not just momentarily, but enduring wounds to the systems of domination that can be exploited to magnify and multiply our movements?
How do we support the suspicious minds, those who know something is not quite right, revealing the hidden-in-plain-sight conspiracy of capitalism behind the alienation and dysfunction of our nonsensical society? How do we captivate their attention instead of dismissing their misdirection?[2]
How can we forge connections with other struggles here and around the world so we can learn together and nourish each other,[3] respecting our diversity of context while strengthening our unity of purpose? How do we spread our branches while deepening our roots?
How do we weave the social warp with the ecological weft, one binding and reinforcing the other instead of pulling apart? How do we learn to reconnect with nature, seeing our selves as vital components of our ecosystems, proud members our biological communities, beautiful biospheric inhabitants?[4]
How do we move from shallow climate populism[5] to radical ecological anarchism? How do we build mass movements without sacrificing our ideals, finding the quantity needed to be effective without losing essential quality of being radically affective? How do we set our sights higher while keeping view of the beautiful idea ever on the horizon?
How do we shift the strategic terrain from civil disobedience to ecological resistance,[6] from accountable to anonymous, from public disruption to property destruction?[7]
How do we do all of this in the shadow of increasingly powerful authoritarian states and corporations, with rapidly advancing technologies of surveillance and social control?[8] How can we maintain a spirit of defiant resistance in the face of such threats and not succumb to their attempts to project omnipotence and crush our imagination?[9]
Once the cradle of capitalism, the historic heart of empire, the nursery of neoliberalism,[10] how do we transform the belly of the beast into the hotbed of insurrection and sedition, of genuine rebellion?
How do we foment green anarchy in the UK?
[1] ed. – see 'We Cannot Share This Planet with Them'
[2] ed. – see About the Reactionary Drift of Some “Comrades”...
[3] ed. – see Follow the Fires
[4] ed. – see Unruly Edges
[5] ed. – see On Staying Woke in Polycrisis Futurism
[6] ed. – see the supplement to Return Fire vol.6 chap.4; 'Violence, Non-Violence, Diversity of Tactics'
[7] ed. – see 'Good Skills to Practice'
[8] ed. – see Hong Kong: its Relevance to the Rest of Us...
[9] ed. – see the supplement to this chapter of Return Fire; Open Letter from Return Fire Magazine to the 2024.03.29-31 International Anti-Prison/Anti-Repression Gathering
[10] ed. – see 'The Position of the Excluded'