Ammon Hennacy
What’s all this about?
What’s all this about?
It’s about men putting money before God. It’s about young men on both sides tricked into dying and killing each other.
It’s about rationing, inefficiency, dictatorship, inflation, and politicians stealing a little more than usual.
War is what happens when one nation prepares to defend itself against another nation preparing to defend itself.
World War I and World War II didn’t end wars or make the world safe for democracy. Neither does this one.
War makes no sense!
What can we do about it? If politicians believe that a person is important enough to become a soldier, a munitions manufacturer, a bond buyer, or an income tax payer, then a person is important enough to:
REFUSE to become a soldier.
REFUSE to manufacture munitions,
REFUSE to buy bonds,
and REFUSE to pay income taxes.
War doesn’t protect you; it destroys you!
Communism cannot be defeated by bullets. It can be overcome by each person doing what they know in their heart is right. The way of Jesus, Saint Francis, Tolstoy, and Gandhi teaches us to love our enemy, to establish justice, to abolish exploitation, and to trust in God more than in politicians and governments.
If you are a Christian, why not follow Christ? Better to die for what you believe than for what you don’t. If you must fight, fight against war itself. Don’t be a traitor to humanity! Wars will cease when men refuse to fight.
(I served two and a half years in prison for opposing World War I, eight and a half months in solitary confinement in the Atlanta Penitentiary. And since then, more than three-quarters of a person’s income tax is paid for war purposes; I have refused to pay my income tax for more than seven years.
I also did not register for the draft in either World War. I am a Christian anarchist, a follower of Tolstoy, Thoreau, and Gandhi, and I invite you to seriously consider their examples.)