Title: Unless We Die for Each Other, We Are Already Dead
Subtitle: Communique by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire About the Hunger Strike
Date: 2015
Notes: Translated by Inter Arma.

On March 3rd, “justice” decided on the pre-trial detention of the mother of the comrades Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos and the second one’s girlfriend, with the charge of accession and participation in a terrorist organization.

Behind the obvious ridiculousness of the charge, it is the morbid vindictiveness of the counter-terrorism and the judicial authority hiding, which wishes to blackmail emotionally both the two comrades and all of us. It is not just a vengeance tending to the zillion, it is a try to disqualify us. Essentially, they demand an unconditional surrender from us, a silent truce and a farewell to dignity, otherwise there will always be some “hospitable” cells for our relatives in the prisons of democracy.

We will not do them the favor. The war against the power has been indelibly forged inside us and flows like blood in our veins. We will not hand over one millimeter to the enemies of freedom, judges and cops.

We are facing the most vulgar sentimental siege. Beloved ones, who have no political affinity with us, but only biological and sentimental one, have been kidnapped and been kept as hostages by the judicial mafia. In this specific case, the priesthood of justice even abrogates the ridiculousness of its own official rules since, on the pre-trial detention measure, their “holy” law stipulates that «pre-trial detention shall apply only in cases where the defendant is suspected of escape or committing similar offenses».

Which one, even of our enemies, thinks that our relative are “suspected of escape” or “committing crimes” – which they haven’t actually committed? Apparently no one…

This narration of the current affairs is not a part of a personal story or an emotionally charged bracket during the experience of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

On the contrary, it is a part of the total repression strategy, coordinated by the high priests of judges, cops and journalists.

The first doors have already started to knock at dawn…

On Saturday, the police operation under the code name “Galatas” (“Milk man”) is made known, in order for the fugitive – member of the R.S. (Revolutionary Struggle) to be tracked down, while press reports talk about possible research in the paternal home of the member of R.S., Nikos Maziotis. Moreover, the same day, police and public prosecutors raid anarchists’ homes, after «anonymous phone call concerning the existence of weapons and explosives».

Although the conclusion of the researches was concentrated into the fucking official paper with two words, «nothing found», in fact, we are in the preface of police and judicial heavy hand.

Inside this confounded field, where sadness and rage mix with each other, at the same time, with our own hunger strike about the liberation of our relatives, there’s the hunger strike against the C’ type prisons, the terror-law, the 187 law, the hood-law, the fascist police manipulation of DNA taking, as well as the liberation of Savvas Xiros taking place. This hunger strike was organized and announced long ago and has our full political agreement. We urgently decided on our hunger strike, as a gag reflex to the captivity imposed to our relatives.

These two hunger strikes are, however, directly linked as they meet as the supplementation of one another. Specifically, the hunger strike about the liberation of our relatives is the physical and political ramification of the terror law application, whose abolition is set as a request of the other political prisoners’ hunger strike.

In our case, we propose the pointful – personal reference to our relatives, because the threat of the constant upgrading of the terror law, from on image of the future, has turned into a fascist current reality, which captivates our own people.

This is why there is no middle way. Either our relatives are released, or there will be the first hunger strikers to die during the last 40 years in Europe, with a left government as a background.

We once more make clear that we don’t ask a thing for ourselves. We have claimed full political responsibility for the whole plan of our escape from Koridallos prison, we have made our self-criticism on our “failures” in public and we keep unrepentant our will for freedom and anarchy, which will only come from our own hands, not by the passive awaiting of the laws.

What we demand is the liberation of our relatives, kidnapped by power.

It would be a conscientious and emotional suicide, if we tried to transfuse our political features to this case. No matter how much we hate the logic of victimization, we would be blind if we did not recognize that, in this case, our relatives are the prosecutors’ scapegoats – trophies for our choices.

This is why, when we talk about our relatives, we don’t completely release our words’ roughness, as we do not intend to play political games on the backs of our people. Moreover, nor their legal defense has anything to do with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. We will always be by their side, the way they have been by our side, without our political choices intersecting.

The only certain thing is that we maintain our roughness and the absoluteness of our own choices to the decision on hunger strike until death. We move on with the confidence of the ones playing it all for the triumph of the unconquered and free life.

Perhaps it is blood needed for the freedom to grow. But this is how it is…

We die the way we chose to live; with dignity that won’t capitulate even against death.

Because, genuine freedom only exists in the struggle for freedom.




1. For the abolition of the A’ counter-terror law (article 187),
2. For the abolition of the B’ counter-terror law (article 187A),
3. The abolition of the hood-law,
4. The abolition of the C’ type prisons law,
5. The liberation of Savvas Xiros for medical reasons,
6. The abolition of the Public Prosecutor provision requiring the violent taking of DNA (and generally, the police manipulation with the construction of culprits through DNA).

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF,
Prison Cell